Communication Devices for Helping Individuals who are DeafBlind

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DeafBlind communicator device with 0-9 across the top. on the middle line: @$cents ? and the period sign. Yes and no are on the bottom line. all in braille

Communicating with others can be challenging. For individuals who are DeafBlind, communicating with others presents some additional challenges. Some devices (low and high tech) are available to assist DeafBlind individuals in communicating with those around them.

The APH DeafBlind Pocket Communicator

The DeafBlind Pocket Communicator (DBPC), a low-tech device, is available through the American Printing House for the Blind (APH). The slim device can easily fit in a purse or bag. It features a lanyard for more carrying flexibility. The DBPC uses communication cards featuring large print and braille that individuals can use when asking questions. The cards are customizable to meet communication needs. The APH Tactile Graphics Library provides a template that can be used with a 3D printer to create more customized cards.

You can learn more about developing customized communication cards and communicating with individuals who are DeafBlind courtesy of the following agencies and resources:


The DBPC weighs 0.26 pounds and is 11.45 × 15.35 × 0.85 in. APH Federal Quota funds can be used to purchase this product.

Additional Resources

The DeafBlind Pocket Communicator is not the only device available to help individuals communicate. Manufacturer’s such as Vispero and HumanWare sell high-tech devices that may be more suitable, depending on the need of the individual.

Learn More

National Center for DeafBlindness Assistive Technology

DeafBlind Technology: National Federation of the Blind

What to do When You Meet a Person with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss – ConnectCenter (

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